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Round -1:      Advantage China

The year 2020 came with a horrendous gift from China – The Corona Virus. By the time the world awakened to its lethality, it was already too late. By mid-April, the death toll has risen to around one hundred thirty thousand and the number of affected people to above two million. The worst affected are the USA, Italy, Spain, Iran, France and Britain and almost all the countries across the globe.

Till this time the world is still ignorant about the cause. Some believe that the virus crossed over from bats to humans from animal markets of Wuhan, while others believe that it got leaked from a military Bio-chemical warfare laboratory located on the outskirts of Wuhan.

Now, while I call it a world war, obviously I subscribe to the latter theory. The format below is how the History textbooks will record this history in making, for the posterity.

CAUSES:       After the dissolution of the USSR, the world became unipolar. During the early 21st century, the largest splinter of the erstwhile USSR, Russia, under President Vladimir Putin started to assert itself as a super-power. By the end of the second decade, China revealed its ambition as a superpower, trying to influence the balance of power against the USA and the NATO by easing out its relations with Russia and some lesser powers like North Korea.

2.         The free trade and rising interdependence of all nations for economic development became an all-important existential goal for everyone. Profiteering became the single driving force for development. This gave birth to big multinational companies, who went across the borders in search of cheap labour and big markets for gaining higher profits. Borders became meaningless for these companies and for their influential shareholders. Thus, ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM raised its ugly head. Naturally, World War -III would be fought for extending a country’s economic hegemony and consequently physical conquest!

3.         With the economic influence becoming all-important, clash of interests is its natural corollary. With China extending its economic influence, through aggressive exports to the USA, Europe and countries in South-East Asia including India, to Pakistan, Italy, and Spain through its ‘One Road, One Belt’ programme, it was becoming an eyesore, particularly to the USA and NATO.

4.         In 1919, the showdown between the USA and China culminated in the economic war between the two. Stringent sanctions were clamped down against one another. This was the right moment for China to go ahead with a full-fledged economic war. How China planned to gain out of this war and get away with it, we will soon know.

MAIN EVENTS:       The virus was leaked out from its Biochemical warfare facility in Wuhan in December 2019. One Dr. Lee, who was later silenced by the PLA, detected the Virus and warned about its ability to spread with lightning speed. However, China kept silent and informed the WHO on 13th February after thousands of people were infected mortally by the virus. By this time around 5 million people had left Wuhan for different parts of the world. Maximum traveled to Italy and Spain, its one belt one road partners and the USA and Europe, carrying the virus to these destinations.

2.         Whether the leak was accidental or intentional may not be known, but what followed after it was intentional and well planned. Shocked? Yes, if not, how is it that while it spread like wildfire in Wuhan, infecting around 80,000 people and killing around 4000 and then crossing over to all parts of the world, while not spreading to other parts of China? Shanghai and Beijing reported only a couple of deaths seemingly under controlled conditions just to hoodwink the world. If it could stop the virus from spreading to other parts of China, why it could not stop its export from Wuhan to the world outside China?

3.         The only way to fight the onslaught of this virus is social distancing and complete lockdown. All countries had to implement complete lockdown while complete extinction is staring at their face. This shattered the economy of the USA and Europe. Markets crashed and shares of powerful multinationals tumbled.

4.         By the end of March 2020, China claimed complete control over Corona. The loss of the rest of the world was its gain. Without any loss of time it started purchasing the shares of powerful multinationals, thereby attempting to gain effective control over the affairs of such Companies in the name of investment.

5.         As the business houses have sizeable control in the polity of western nations, China hopes to influence the decision making of these nations to suit its economic interests and spatial hegemony.

CONCLUSION:        If the world is able to survive the pandemic during the next couple of weeks, China may be able to consolidate its gains as it may be able to bring around the majority of nations to accept its pleadings that it was also a victim of the circumstances.

However, this seems to be very unlikely. The virus may claim more lives before scientists stumble across some effective medication. Even China will shy away from letting the world know of the antidote, even if it has one already, for obvious reasons. It wouldn’t like the world to suspect that COVID-19 is a bioweapon. Therefore, the WAR will enter ROUND -2.

USA has vehemently alleged that the pandemic went out of control because China suppressed information of virus infection and WHO colluded with it. The cacophony against China will rise as the death toll rises. The developed world will restrict free trade by passing new laws. All nations will make renewed efforts to promote self-reliance as a hallmark in their economic policies. Trade with China will go downhill with its credibility touching the abyss. India will be a new destination for cheap labour and a responsible market.

China will have to pay heavily for its misadventure!

Round-2 will have the potential of pushing the world to Round-3, the Atomic War!


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