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3. HINDUTVA – The Third Renaissance

3.  HINDUTVA – The Third Renaissance

(Continued from last post – Hindutva the Genesis.)

          Great leaders of the Congress party failed to see the writing on the wall. Jinnah could realize the Hinduism and Islam are like opposite magnetic poles which are incompatible. Therefore, he insisted on creation of Islamic State of Pakistan, but Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru unfortunately lacked this foresight and chose to defy the root principle of partition.
You don’t need brains of Einstein to understand it. They should have tried to take lessons from history, as given below:-

i)               The basic principle for partition of India was “Two Nation Theory”, i.e. to say that Muslims must have a separate Nation implying that Islam and Hinduism are incompatible.
ii)              How can a religion which says that it is the only religion and accepts, rather directs that non-believers should be killed, can co-exist with other religions amicably and peacefully!
iii)             History stands witness that Islam spread through the sword without an exception.

Here one may ask if it were true, how both major communities co-existed in India for about seven hundred years. My answer is that they never co-existed voluntarily, for about seven  centuries they lived as ruler and the ruled, and for remaining two hundred years, as slaves to a common master.

In this back drop, it was foolish to expect that these two communities would live in harmony in a democratic set-up. Thus knowingly or un-knowingly, the Congress Party sowed the seeds of a future partitioning of India. This will happen someday if not handled dexterously by the present leadership.

The Constitution of India made a perfect arrangement for all communities to live in harmony. Right to equality before law and for opportunities, is guaranteed. But the ‘vote politics’ in this parliamentary form of government, coupled with disrespect to moral values,   spoiled the game. Policy of minority appeasement, practiced by Congress, alienated the Hindu majority out of its fold, as 2014 Lok Sabha elections and recent elections to State Vidhan Sabha indicate.

This back-lash of Hindu majority and rise of Bhartiya Janata Party with Narendra Modi in Centre and Yogi Aditya Nath in the biggest state of Utter Pradesh can be seen as the Third Renaissance of Hindutva, first, as accepted by historians, being in the 13th or 14th century when Hindutva produced a number of Sants and Gurus e.g. Kabir, Nanak, Tulsidas, Surdas, Meera etc. to strengthen Hindus to resist the onslaught of Islam, and second in the late 19th century when various organizations took roots to cleanse and strengthen Hinduism.

(to be continued…)


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